CMPT 409/981 - Optimization for Machine Learning (Fall 2024)

Lectures (beginning Sep 5): Tuesday (1.30 pm - 2.20 pm) and Thursday (12.30 pm - 2.20 pm) (SWH 10051).

Instructor: Sharan Vaswani
Instructor office hours: Thursday, 2.30 pm - 3.30 pm (TASC-1 8221)

Teaching Assistant; Qiushi Lin
TA office hours: Monday, 9.30 am - 10.30 am (ASB 9814)

Course Objective: Numerical optimization plays a key role in designing better algorithms for data science and artificial intelligence. This course introduces the foundational concepts of convex and non-convex optimization with applications to machine learning. It will give the students experience in 1. Proving theoretical guarantees for optimization algorithms, 2. Analyzing machine learning (ML) problems from an optimization perspective and 3. Developing and analyzing new optimization methods for ML applications.

Prerequisites: Probability (e.g. CMPT 210, STAT 270, STAT 271), Linear Algebra (e.g. MATH 240), Basics of Multivariable Calculus (e.g. MATH 251). It is encouraged (though not necessary) for students to have taken (or be simultaneously taking) an introductory course on machine learning (e.g. CMPT 410/726).

Textbook: There is no required textbook. We will use the following resources:

Grading: Assignments 48%, Project 50%, Participation 2%

Piazza for course-related questions.

List of topics


Date Topics Slides References Homework
Thu September 5 Course logistics, Lipschitz continuity, Smoothness [L1] [Matrix Cookbook] [List of inequalities] [Linear Algebra Recap] Assignment 0 released
Tue September 10 Gradient descent convergence for smooth non-convex functions [L2] [Multivariable Calculus]
Thursday Sep 12 Exact line-search, Convergence of GD with Back-tracking Armijo Line-search, Convex sets/functions [L3] Nocedal and Wright (3.1, 3.2), Boyd (2, 3) Assignment 0 due
Tue September 17 Convergence of GD for smooth, convex functions [L4] Bubeck (3.2, 3.4), [Convex Optimization Cheat Sheet] Assignment 1 released
Thu September 19 Nesterov acceleration and its convergence, Strongly-convex functions and GD convergence [L5] Bubeck (3.7)
Tue September 24 Heavy-Ball momentum [L6]
Thu September 26 Convergence of Heavy-Ball momentum for quadratics, Preconditioned Gradient Descent and Newton method [L7] [Notes] Assignment 1 due
Tue October 1 Convergence of Newton method for smooth, strongly-convex functions [L8] Boyd (9.5)
Thu October 3 Dealing with constrained domains, Stochastic gradient descent and its convergence for smooth functions [L9] [Equivalent definitions of smoothness] [Equivalent definitions of strong convexity] Assignment 2 released
Tue October 8 Stochastic Gradient Descent and its convergence for smooth, convex functions [L10]
Thu October 10 Convergence of SGD for smooth, strongly-convex functions, Interpolation [L11] [SGD proof for smooth, strongly convex functions] [SGD under interpolation]
Tue October 15 Holiday
Thu October 17 SGD under interpolation, Stochastic Line-Search [L12] [Stochastic Line-Search]
Tue October 22 No class Project Proposal due
Thu October 24 Assignment 2 due
Tue October 29
Thu October 31
Tue November 5 Assignment 3 released
Thu November 7
Tue November 12
Thu November 14
Tue November 19 Assignment 4 released
Thu November 21
Tue November 26
Thu November 28
Tue December 3 Project Presentations
Tue Dec 10 Assignments 3, 4 due
Tue Dec 17 Final Project Report due

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